
New config

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New config

Post by Arpag » Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:08 pm

Hi, i'm a nob at making configs, and back in the server they said it would be ok to apply for help here so... :)

I have a AMD athlon 64bitt 3200+ processor with 512 ram and a NVIDEA 6600 in a ASES A8N-SLY Deluxe.

Well i've drayed much configs, but all the configs were too confusing :dah:
i normally use features like scrolling up and down for med packs and heal (if medic) and ctrl for nade and stuff.

If anyone could help me doing this config or so, i would be very grateful! :hail: :hail:

Thank You

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Post by GunClap » Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:19 pm

Yep, I did say I would help and I will, but in order to do this, I have to teach you first a little about writing a config. A config is just a list of preferences the game uses to control and display the game. Display is your first issue:

All computers are different and have different reactions when display settings are changed. I personally specify these settings in my config:

Code: Select all

SETA r_mode "6"
//This is display resolution. Mode 6 is 1024x768

SETA ui_r_mode "6"
//Same thing but for the menu screen when you load ET up.

SETA r_gamma "2.3"
//This is the 'brightness' of the game. This can also be changed by using the brightness slider in options, but that only navigates between 0 and 2 in gamma. PB allows 0 to 3 and my display is fairly neutral at 2.3 FIND YOUR OWN SETTING. You can change this option in game by simply typing into the console /r_gamma XX to change it there and then and see the result. When you find the one that works for you then write the value into your config. If the game keeps having its gamma snatched by other applications loading or interfering, then I made a gamma toggle script here: [url][/url]

SETA com_maxfps "125"	
//Max frames per second. 43, 76, 125 or 333 are the magic numbers to jump higher.

SETA cg_drawgun "1"
//Is your gun visible? There are scripts I can write to change this on a per weapon basis.

SETA cg_muzzleFlash "0"
//Does your gun blind you when you shoot? NO!!!

SETA cg_showblood "0"
//Wanna see blood? It'll cost you GPU cycles. No worth it.

SETA cg_wolfparticles "0"
//Particles that make smoke all pretty and hard to see through...
SETA cg_atmosphericEffects "0"
//Things like Fog distance and even smoke trails from artillery spots.

SETA cg_shadows "0"

SETA cg_marktime "10000"
//How long do bullet holes and explosion marks last? I advise having this as it can give warning of hot areas and mortar strikes.

SETA cg_gibs "0"
//As amusing as it is, there's no point focusing on a dismembered limb.

SETA cg_coronas "0"
//Shine orbs around light sources.

SETA cg_coronafardist "0"
//Corona visible distance

SETA r_drawsun "0"

SETA r_flares "0"
//Beams of light from light sources.

//Some people are probably wondering, where's /cg_fov? I have never used any other setting than the default 90 that came with the game. I have never needed or wanted to change. The PB range limit is 60 (not sure about that) to 120 with the game default being 90. Some people play with a wider fov (field of view) to compensate for having widescreen, some people just wanna see more. I just turn more often... Y'know... Look around...

//There are many other CVARS to do with display such as overbrightbits, but I assume the brightness of the terrain in your game matches the brightness of the players, yes? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Most people will ask you to write the config and save it as autoexec.cfg so it will auto-execute when the game loads up. I suggest against this. The game choses to remove and write values to the autoexec.cfg file without your permission and if you don't include all settings, defaults will be used as the value.

I save mine as clap.cfg and being that I use the SETA command, it writes these values into your config in your profile, so you only really need to execute it once. To do this, in game (preferably when in team) in the console, type:

Code: Select all

/exec "clap.cfg"
If your config contains spaces in the name, you HAVE to use "" to enclose the filename. You don't have to include the .cfg as this is expected by the exec command. And if you have a one word filename like mine, you don't need the "" enclosing the filename. All you have to type is:

Code: Select all

/exec clap
So what other parts can I help you with? Remember, this is just the display excerpt from my entire script. If you want, I can post the whole thing. It is very descriptive, but it may be a little overwhelming to see all the values straight out. It might be better to take this section by section, issue by issue.
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Post by Arpag » Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:01 pm

Thks for all that info. i'll give it a try and then i think we can pass to other features of configs :)

Ok it seems good visualy, but i'm wondering if i have to erase my autoexec file.. I used to use a autoexec, by activatin this new one i dont have to erase the autoexec?

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Post by GunClap » Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:06 pm

Not at all. Because the values are set using the SETA (SET value permanently in Account) command, they will rewrite the values in your profile and 'should!' do the same in the autoexec.cfg. If not, simply rename your autoexec.cfg to something else.
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Post by Arpag » Sat Aug 15, 2009 6:31 pm

Ok, then now what else can i add in the config?

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Post by GunClap » Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:14 am

There's a fair bit but not every single setting is needed.

These are the sections I have in my script.
1: Sub Scripts. These are like my name cycle and gamma cycle scripts.
2: Key binds. I have bound a few of my own vsays along with spawning class.
3: Display
4: Crosshair
5: Stop Bobbing!
6: Sound
7: Memory
8: Connection
9: Mouse
10: Jaymod

I remember you mentioning how you use other keys for your weapons. Well here's mine:

Code: Select all

BIND MOUSE1 "+attack"
BIND MOUSE2 "+attack2" //default is: "weapalt", "+attack2" allows for throwing knifes in jaymod.
BIND MOUSE3 "+reload"  
BIND MOUSE4 "+walk"
BIND MOUSE5 "weaponbank 1"
BIND MWHEELUP "weapnext"
BIND r "+reload"

BIND 0 "weaponbank 10"
BIND 1 "weaponbank 1"
BIND 2 "weaponbank 2"
BIND 3 "weaponbank 3"
BIND 4 "weaponbank 4"
BIND 5 "weaponbank 5"
BIND 6 "weaponbank 6"
BIND CAPSLOCK "weaponbank 6" //Which is why sometimes I accidentally speak in CAPS!
BIND 7 "weaponbank 7"
BIND 8 "weaponbank 8"
BIND 9 "weaponbank 9"
I have noticed that some players hate having the gun visible with some weapon but want to see when they're throwing medipacs. That's very easy to do.

Code: Select all

BIND 0 "weaponbank 10; cg_drawgun 0"
BIND 1 "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1" //Knife
BIND 2 "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 1" //Pistol
BIND 3 "weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 0" //SMG
BIND 4 "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1" //Grenade
BIND 5 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1" //Airtstrike, Revive, Smoke, Pliers
BIND 6 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1" //Ammo, Medipac, Satchel Charge, Dyna
BIND 7 "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1" //Adren
BIND 8 "weaponbank 8; cg_drawgun 0"
BIND 9 "weaponbank 9; cg_drawgun 0"
Notice that with 2 commands in the same bind, you use ; to separate the command and you use "" to enclose the whole bind, not just the values.
Example: This will not work!

Code: Select all

BIND 3 "weaponbank "3"; cg_drawgun "0""
If you do this, ET will take the command as "weaponbank " with the rest being ignored or interpreted incorrectly.
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Post by Arpag » Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:27 pm

Do you mind letting me see your config, so that i can then modify the thing i don't like. I think that's easier..

BTW i like the top sound quality, it improves your sense.

thaks for your help!

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Post by GunClap » Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:40 pm

// ====================================================================================
// ============= GunClap's Config Script ===========================================
// ====================================================================================
// ====================================================================================
// ============= I have designed this to be as easy to read as possible. ==============
// ============= It should be read with a monospace (fixed width) font ================
// ============= for word and tab/space alignment. E.g Lucida Console, ================
// ============= Courier or Courier New without word wrap. ============================
// ====================================================================================
// ====================================================================================
// ============= Commands are in CAPITALLETTERS =======================================
// ============= Declarations are Capitalisedonthefirstletter =========================
// ============= Variables are inReverseEndianCapitals ================================
// ============= The '^' Symbol represents a colour code for text display. ============
// ============= The '//' Symbols denote a comment. ===================================
// ====================================================================================

//Clear Binds
UNBINDALL //Unbind every key

SETA name "^EGun^1Clap"

//Name Cycle Script
//SET nameID1 "SET selectID SET name ^1Restrained; SET nextID Vstr nameID2; ECHO ID1: ^1Restrained; SET echoName ECHO ^1Restrained ^7selected."
//SET nameID2 "SET selectID SET name ^lLit^fFuse; SET nextID Vstr nameID3; ECHO ID2: ^lLit^fFuse; SET echoName ECHO ^lLit^fFuse ^7selected."
//SET nameID3 "SET selectID SET name ^EGun^1Clap; SET nextID Vstr nameID1; ECHO ID3: ^EGun^1Clap; SET echoName ECHO ^EGun^1Clap ^7selected."
//SET nextID "Vstr nameID1"
//BIND F5 "Vstr nextID"
//BIND F6 "Vstr selectID; Vstr echoName"

//Gamma Script
SETA gamma00 "SET r_gamma 0.0; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma30; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma01; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.0"
SETA gamma01 "SET r_gamma 0.1; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma00; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma02; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.1"
SETA gamma02 "SET r_gamma 0.2; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma01; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma03; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.2"
SETA gamma03 "SET r_gamma 0.3; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma02; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma04; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.3"
SETA gamma04 "SET r_gamma 0.4; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma03; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma05; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.4"
SETA gamma05 "SET r_gamma 0.5; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma04; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma06; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.5"
SETA gamma06 "SET r_gamma 0.6; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma05; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma07; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.6"
SETA gamma07 "SET r_gamma 0.7; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma06; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma08; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.7"
SETA gamma08 "SET r_gamma 0.8; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma07; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma09; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.8"
SETA gamma09 "SET r_gamma 0.9; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma08; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma10; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E0.9"
SETA gamma10 "SET r_gamma 1.0; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma09; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma11; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.0"
SETA gamma11 "SET r_gamma 1.1; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma10; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma12; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.1"
SETA gamma12 "SET r_gamma 1.2; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma11; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma13; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.2"
SETA gamma13 "SET r_gamma 1.3; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma12; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma14; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.3"
SETA gamma14 "SET r_gamma 1.4; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma13; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma15; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.4"
SETA gamma15 "SET r_gamma 1.5; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma14; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma16; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.5"
SETA gamma16 "SET r_gamma 1.6; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma15; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma17; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.6"
SETA gamma17 "SET r_gamma 1.7; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma16; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma18; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.7"
SETA gamma18 "SET r_gamma 1.8; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma17; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma19; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.8"
SETA gamma19 "SET r_gamma 1.9; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma18; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma20; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E1.9"
SETA gamma20 "SET r_gamma 2.0; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma19; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma21; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.0"
SETA gamma21 "SET r_gamma 2.1; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma20; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma22; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.1"
SETA gamma22 "SET r_gamma 2.2; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma21; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma23; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.2"
SETA gamma23 "SET r_gamma 2.3; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma22; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma24; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.3"
SETA gamma24 "SET r_gamma 2.4; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma23; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma25; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.4"
SETA gamma25 "SET r_gamma 2.5; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma24; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma26; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.5"
SETA gamma26 "SET r_gamma 2.6; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma25; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma27; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.6"
SETA gamma27 "SET r_gamma 2.7; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma26; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma28; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.7"
SETA gamma28 "SET r_gamma 2.8; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma27; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma29; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.8"
SETA gamma29 "SET r_gamma 2.9; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma28; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma30; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E2.9"
SETA gamma30 "SET r_gamma 3.0; SET gammaDown Vstr gamma29; SET gammaUp Vstr gamma00; ECHO ^7Gamma ^E3.0"
SETA gammaDown "Vstr gamma21"
SETA gammaUp "Vstr gamma23"
BIND F7 "Vstr gammaDown"
BIND F8 "Vstr gammaUp"

//Instant Artillery Support Script
BIND z "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom;"

//Requests Binds
BIND RIGHTARROW "VSAY_TEAM Welcome ^ENo ^1worries!"
BIND LEFTARROW "VSAY_TEAM Thanks ^EYou're a ^1star!"
BIND UPARROW "VSAY_TEAM CommandAcknowledged ^EI ^1dig!"
BIND DOWNARROW "VSAY Cheer ^EYou ^1love it!"

//Class Binds
BIND KP_UPARROW "mp_playertype 5; ECHO Spawning as ^5Covert Ops"
BIND KP_DOWNARROW "mp_playertype 0; ECHO Spawning as ^0Soldier"
BIND KP_LEFTARROW "mp_playertype 2; ECHO Spawning as ^2Engineer"
BIND KP_RIGHTARROW "mp_playertype 3; ECHO Spawning as ^3Field Ops"
BIND KP_5 "mp_playertype 1; ECHO Spawning as ^1Medic"

BIND l "openlimbomenu"
BIND g "+mapexpand"
BIND TAB "+scores"
BIND CTRL "+topshots"
BIND ALT "+stats"
BIND ESCAPE "togglemenu"
BIND . "mapzoomin" //Compass map
BIND , "mapzoomout" //Compass map
BIND ~ "toggleconsole"
BIND ` "toggleconsole"
BIND F1 "vote yes"
BIND F2 "vote no"
BIND F3 "ready"
BIND F4 "notready"
SETA cg_popupLimboMenu "0" //Does the limbo menu pop up at the beginning of each round?
SETA cg_complaintPopUp "0" //Does the complaint popup show when killed by a teammate?

BIND KP_END "selectbuddy 0"
BIND KP_PGDN "selectbuddy 2"
BIND KP_ENTER "mp_fireteamadmin"
BIND KP_INS "selectbuddy -2" //Select All
BIND KP_DEL "selectbuddy -1" //Select Non

BIND F11 "autoscreenshot"
BIND F12 "autorecord"

BIND w "+forward"
BIND s "+back"
BIND a "+moveleft"
BIND d "+moveright"
BIND q "+leanleft"
BIND e "+leanright"
BIND SPACE "+moveup"
BIND c "+movedown"
BIND x "+prone"
BIND SHIFT "+sprint"
BIND f "+activate"

//Kill yourself
BIND k "kill"

BIND MOUSE1 "+attack"
BIND MOUSE2 "+attack2" //default is: "weapalt", "+attack2" allows for throwing knifes in jaymod.
BIND MOUSE3 "+reload"
BIND MOUSE4 "+walk"
BIND r "+reload"
BIND MWHEELUP "weapnext"
BIND 0 "weaponbank 10"
BIND 1 "weaponbank 1"
BIND MOUSE5 "weaponbank 1"
BIND 2 "weaponbank 2"
BIND 3 "weaponbank 3"
BIND 4 "weaponbank 4"
BIND 5 "weaponbank 5"
BIND 6 "weaponbank 6"
BIND CAPSLOCK "weaponbank 6"
BIND 7 "weaponbank 7"
BIND 8 "weaponbank 8"
BIND 9 "weaponbank 9"

BIND b "+zoom"
BIND = "zoomin"
BIND - "zoomout"

BIND t "messagemode" //All
BIND y "messagemode2" //Team
BIND u "messagemode3" //Fireteam

//Voice Menus
BIND v "mp_quickmessage"
//BIND z "mp_fireteammsg" //This is default action. ~I use z as instant arty.

SETA r_mode "6"
SETA ui_r_mode "6"
SETA com_maxfps "125" //43, 76, 125 or 333 are the magic numbers to jump higher.
SETA cg_drawgun "1"
SETA cg_muzzleFlash "0"
SETA cg_showblood "0"
SETA cg_wolfparticles "0"
SETA cg_atmosphericEffects "0"
SETA cg_shadows "0"
SETA cg_marktime "10000"
SETA cg_gibs "0"
SETA cg_coronas "0"
SETA cg_coronafardist "0"
SETA r_drawsun "0"
SETA r_flares "0"

SETA cg_crosshairPulse "0"
SETA cg_crosshairColor "White"
SETA cg_crosshairAlpha "1.0"
SETA cg_crosshairColorAlt "White"
SETA cg_crosshairY "0"
SETA cg_crosshairX "0"
SETA cg_crosshairHealth "0"
SETA cg_crosshairSize "18"
SETA cg_drawCrosshair "9"
SETA cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
SETA cg_drawCrosshairPickups "1"

//Stop Bobbing
SETA cg_bobyaw "0.000"
SETA cg_bobroll "0.000"
SETA cg_bobpitch "0.000"
SETA cg_bobup "0.000"
SETA cg_runroll "0.000"
SETA cg_runpitch "0.000"
SETA pmove_fixed "1" //Relic from my roots as an ETpro player.

SETA cg_killspreesounds "1"
SETA cg_hitsounds "1"

SETA com_hunkMegs "256"
SETA com_zoneMegs "64"
SETA com_soundMegs "32"

SETA cg_optimizePrediction "1"
SETA cl_maxpackets "100"
SETA cl_rate "25000"

SETA sensitivity "2.5"
SETA m_pitch "0.022" //Mouse movement up and down
SETA m_yaw "0.022" //Mouse movement sideways
SETA m_forward "0.25"
SETA m_side "0.25"
SETA m_filter "0"

seta cg_obituaryFilter "1"
seta cg_drawFPS "1"
seta cg_lagometer "1"

//If you want help or answers to any part of this, let me know.
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Post by Arpag » Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:38 pm

well a liked very much your config!
I only changed the pointer (Crosshair?) and some keys.

Thank You very much!! :wtg:

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Post by GunClap » Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:08 pm

Hope it helps. If anyone else has any issues they'd like to discuss about my config or help with theirs, feel free to ask.
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Post by ferapont » Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:57 am

hey gunclap!

ive been trying to do a script for planting and arming dyno but i cant get one button to do it. any advice?

here is my script so far:

Code: Select all

set arm "+attack;wait 250;-attack;-movedown;vstr twohand;set action vstr plant"
set plant "+movedown;weaponbank 6;+attack;wait 200;-attack;weaponbank 5;set action vstr arm"
set action vstr plant
bind CTRL vstr action
which works, but i have to press CTRL again after the plant. i need a delay but WAIT won't do it right. also when i press ctrl it fires my weapon first then does the script. ive noticed this problem before with other scripts, so i began scripts with

Code: Select all

which seems to fix it. let me know what you think.

are these scripts okay on bba server btw?
